Embark on a mission through the kingdoms of OBZIDIAN. Sent by the powerful King Kaul, the ruler of TAKAL. As one of the elite warriors, your objective is to collect the rarest obzidian resources and costumes, travel great distances, and accumulate the highest score to win the great prizes that the king has promised.

Get ready for an exciting adventure and prove your worth as a warrior in the pursuit of glory!

As a pivotal part of the team behind Obzidian Rush—the first game to emerge from the Obzidian universe—we embarked on a journey to shape an interactive experience that would set the stage for all that follows. Our collaborative efforts were driven by the aspiration to create an interface that not only captivates through its aesthetics but also offers effortless interaction. With each step, we embraced the challenges of bringing this inaugural game to life.




Obzidian Metaverse - Visual Identity


Anonymous Media - Visual Identity Design