Shortfilm / Animation
This 2D Animated Shortfilm showcases a thrilling scene from a war between tomatoes, bringing the idea to life in an imaginative and fun way. The purpose of this project was to explore an idea that is now in development, showcasing the characters and their interactions as they engage in battles.
Sketch & Design Process.
The animation process began with developing the character designs, exploring different possibilities and choosing the designs that best fit the story and the overall look and feel of the shortfilm. The background designs were then created, taking into consideration the setting and mood of the war scene.
Final Frames / Character & Background Design.
Once the compositions and sequences were carefully planned and set, the rough sketches were transformed into polished final frames that were ready for the next stage of the animation process. These final frames were then imported into After Effects, where the rigging process began to bring the characters to life through motion and sound.
Behind the Scenes / Animation Process.
Get ready to take a peek behind the curtain and witness the magic of character animation! These two videos will show you the process that brought the characters in this 2D animated shortfilm to life.